Welcome to the Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society (KGMS)
The 2025 KGMS Rock & Gem Show is May 2-4, 2025, more info on the Show page
KGMS Annual Tailgate Sale and Swap - Saturday, September 6, 2025, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Location: Held outside in the parking lot of St. Michael Lutheran Church, 7211 Oakland Drive, Portage, Michigan – 1.5 Mile South of 1-94. Event to be held rain or shine.
Open to anyone that wants to buy or sell jewelry, rocks, minerals, lapidary and equipment; rock related items only!
Sellers should bring their own tables. KGMS will not require a booth cost this year but a donation to the Society would be appreciated; a KGMS representative will be present to take donations. Sellers can setup the morning of between 7:30 and 8:30am. No need to pre-register.
Buyers, plan on lots of bargain-priced items: specimens, crystals, slabs, rough, fossils, equipment, jewelry & more rock related items!
KGMS reserves the right to deny or remove any vendors, for any reason.
For more information contact:
Bruce Atherton - 269 251 3858
email - fireball9207@charter.net