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Monthly or Annual Re-ocurring events/meetings


  • KGMS General Meetings - Open to the public.  Location: Portage Senior Center @ 203 E Centre Ave, Portage, MI, 49002 Time: First Tuesday of every month. No meetings in Jan., July or Aug. 6:30 p.m. Social Hour, 7:00 Meeting starts

  • KGMS Board Meetings - Open to any KGMS member - 3rd Monday of Every Month currently done online via Zoom.

  • Rock & Gem Show  ***OUR MAIN EVENT**  Every year the weekend before Mother's Day (Fri., Sat & Sun) - This is a GREAT event and it's a lot of work. To make this show successful each year, it takes a little bit of help from everyone. Please visit our Volunteer Page for information on how you can help.

  • New member orientation and ice cream social - This event occurs every year at the June General Membership Meeting, so mark your calendars and don't miss this fun meeting!

  • JULY SHORT TRIP - Because we don't have a general meeting in JULY, we take the opportunity to get together and take a "short trip". Generally this is to one of our lakeshores looking for rocks or some other short trip that can be completed in a day.

  • Work Bees and Picnic - these activities generally happen in July & Aug. We meet at a members house to fill egg cartons with rocks, make up grab bags, sort rocks, etc.....all in preparation for the Rock and Gem Show.


  • Rock Tailgate Show - the first Saturday in September after Labor Day starting in 2025:  PORTAGE, MI  Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society Tailgate and Rock Swap, from 9 am -3 pm at St. Michael Lutheran Church Parking Lot, 7211 Oakland Dr., Portage, MI.  Contact:  Bruce Atherton ; (269) 251 3858; or 

       Go to the KGMS tailgate page for the most current information.


  • Holiday Potluck - This event occurs every year at our  December General Membership Meetings. We have a voluntary gift exchange, if you would like to get a gift, you must bring a gift. Please bring a dish to pass also.

  • Wix Facebook page

"to further interest in gems, minerals, geology, paleontology, and the lapidary arts."

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