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Kalamazoo Geological and Mineral Society (KGMS) sponsored field trips are open to those members in good standing. Attendance may be limited for some trips and prior registration may be required. Safety gear and protocols MUST be followed by all who participate. Contact Linda for more information regarding field trips or ideas for trip locales. 

No April Field Trip

May 17-19, 2025  (Saturday-Monday) Time: TBD Missouri - Illinois Area

May 17, 2025--Braidwood, IL (Mazon Creek)

Hosted By: Earth Science of Northern Illinois (ESCONI)

Please email to let Linda know if you plan to attend

LOCATION: Private Property

COST: Free

WHAT YOU WILL FIND: Fossil Concretions (Examples will be available at March General Meeting)

DRESS CODE: Long pants, sturdy boots, high visibility vests are highly encouraged for this field trip.


OTHER NOTES: Attendance limited to 20 KGMS members

May 18, 2025--Mazonia-Braidwood State Fish and Wildlife Area, Braceville, IL

Hosted By: Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society

Optional--On Your Own

Cost: Free

WHAT YOU WILL FIND: Fossil Concretions

DRESS CODE: Long pants, sturdy boots, high visibility vests are highly encouraged for this field trip. Bug spray recommended. 


OTHER NOTES: Illinois State Regulation limits collecting to one 5-Gallon container per person per day.  No attendance limit. Ticks may be out this time of year so be vigilant and dress accordingly.

May 19, 2025--Haunted Ridge Rocks, 11367 Roderick Rd., Cadet, MO

Hosted by: Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society

Please email to let Linda know if you plan to attend

LOCATION: 11367 Roderick Rd., Cadet, MO

Cost: $30 per 5-gallon bucket. No entry fee or bucket limit.

WHAT WILL YOU FIND: Lace Agate, Druzy Quartz crystals, Stromatolites (examples will be available at March general meeting)

DRESS CODE: Long pants, sturdy boots, high visibility vests are required for this field trip. A change of clothes is suggested.


OTHER NOTES: This is a reserved KGMS outing. Golf Carts will be available to shuttle participants to collecting areas and deliver buckets to cars. Participants will be required to donate one quality specimen to KGMS that can be used for Specimen table, Door Prize, Live/Silent Auction or Kids Area. Port-a-Potties available onsite.

June 21-22, 2025 Field Trip:  TIME: TBD  Bedford, IN (South of Indianapolis)

Day 1: Fossil Hunt Locations

Day 2: Geode Hunt Locations

Hosted By: Brown County Rock and Mineral Club

Please email to let Linda know if you plan to attend


COST: Free

WHAT YOU WILL FIND: Crinoids, Brachiopods, Trilobites (Ordivician strata roadcut), Geodes

DRESS CODE: Long pants, sturdy boots, high visibility vests are required for this field trip. Hard Hats are highly recommended.


OTHER NOTES: 20 car maximum so carpooling will be required to keep car count down and allow maximum participation for those interested. A car pooling meeting site will be determined. Collecting artifacts is not allowed.

July 19-20, 2025  (Friday-Sunday) Time: TBD  Lake Huron, Rockport Quarry and Petoskey, MI

July 19, 2025 (Saturday), Rockport Quarry, Alpena, MI (morning) and Lake Huron (afternoon)

Hosted by: Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society

Please email to let Linda know if you plan to attend


Cost: Free

WHAT WILL YOU FIND: Fossils, Petoskey Stones, Gowganda Tillite, Puddingstone, Jasper

DRESS CODE: Long pants, sturdy boots, high visibility vests are required for this field trip.


OTHER NOTES: No attendance limit

July 20, 2025 (Sunday), Petoskey/Charlevoix Roadside Park

Hosted by: Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society

Please email to let Linda know if you plan to attend

LOCATION: To Be Announced in Alpena (Linda's favorite spot) 

Cost: Free

WHAT WILL YOU FIND: Horn Coral, Petoskey Stones, Charlevoix stone

DRESS CODE: high visibility vests are required for this field trip. Water shoes recommended.


OTHER NOTES: Great family trip. No attendance limit

August Field Trips


Annual August KGMS Trip to Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Subject to show cancellations)

Our trip to Michigan's Upper Peninsula is centered on shows and field trips hosted by local clubs. We understand that everyone has a different schedule. Please feel free to come and leave as you like.

Dates: August 1, 2025 (Friday) to August 3. 2025 (Sunday)

Host: Ishpeming Rock & Mineral Club

Locations: Ishpeming, MI (Iron Country)

Lodging: There are a lot of choices and you may stay where you wish. Most of our members stay at the Country Village Resort which includes multiple accommodation levels: tent, RV, cabin and hotel

Details: The Ishpeming club' s schedule typically consists of:


Friday morning, August 1, 2025 - a field trip to the Republic Mine for specular hematite and banded iron formation. $10 per person. NO YOUNG CHILDREN.

Saturday, August 2, 2025- Rock Show at Ishpeming Elks Club, 597 Lakeshore Drive, Ishpeming, MI. 


9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Free Admission and door prizes

Sunday, August 3, 2025 - a field trip to the Lindbergh quarry for Kona dolomite $10 per person to attend. Sign up sheet will be available at the show. NO YOUNG CHILDREN.

Note: on Thursday, July 31st, we will get together for a 6:30 PM kick-off dinner at Jerzi's 41 which is located at 9965 US Highway 41, Champion, MI. 

September 2025(Saturday) Date: TBD  TIME: 9AM - 2PM, Cheney Quarry, Bellevue MI

Hosted by: Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society

Please email to let Linda know if you plan to attend

LOCATION: 9400 Sand Road, Bellevue, MI 49021

Cost: FREE

WHAT WILL YOU FIND: Fossils, Calcite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Limestone

DRESS CODE: Long pants, sturdy boots, hard hats and high visibility vests are required for this field trip.

LODGING: Day trip, should not be needed.

OTHER NOTES: Park on the side of the road outside the gate and wait for directions.

October 4, 2025 (Saturday) TIME: 12 NOON - 4 PM, Byholt Quarry, Schoolcraft, MI (Tentative Date)

Hosted by: Kalamazoo Geological & Mineral Society

Please email to let Linda know if you plan to attend

LOCATION: Byholt Quarry, 11360 4th Street, Schoolcraft, MI 49087

COST: $5 for individuals, $7 for families (Family defined as 2 or more persons from same household/residence)

WHAT WILL YOU FIND: Petoskey Stone, Septaria, Pudding Stone, Gowganda Tillite, glacial rocks

DRESS CODE: Long pants, sturdy boots, hard hats and high visibility vests are required for this field trip.


LODGING: Day trip, should not be needed.

OTHER NOTES: The pit may be operational that day so please arrive no more than 15 minutes early, if possible. Park on the side of the road at the gate and wait for directions.

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